Preschool Screening
Preschool Screening
The Sharon Public Schools Early Childhood Team offers preschool screening for Sharon residents who are three to five years of age. Preschool screening is used as a first step in identifying children who may need an evaluation in one or more developmental area and who may require special education services before kindergarten. Children are screened in the following areas of development: speech and language, fine motor/gross motor, concepts.
Please note: preschool screening is not a kindergarten or preschool readiness screening.
This cost-free screening takes place by appointment at The Children’s Center at Sharon Middle School on designated Tuesday mornings throughout the school year. Preschool screening is scheduled for October 8, 2024; December 17, 2024; February 11, 2025; and April 15, 2025.
Parents may call Stacia LeMond at 781-784-1594 to make an appointment or ask questions about the screening process.